I had the procedure done yesterday afternoon, and it really wasn't too bad except for about a minute when he told me I might feel a "little burning" in my back or butt when he injected the steroid. A LITTLE?!?! It felt like someone had PUNCHED me in my right butt cheek! Dr. B asked if it was where I had been feeling the pain, and it was EXACTLY in that spot, so he knew he had injected my back at the right location. And I feel really good today. YAY!
So Happy Tuesday!

I love this dish towel. My friend - and the best knitter I know - made this a few years ago. In addition to being a great knitter, she is pretty good at embroidery too! (Funny story: Nancy had knit this most gorgeous sweater/jacket, with cables upon cables of the most intricate nature, and when I saw it I fell in love with it. I asked her if I could ever make one, and -without hesitation - she said, "No." And I totally wasn't offended! When our friend Teri saw it, she said she wanted to be willed it when Nancy died. It's that wonderful.)
But anyway. Before I went to my morning appointment yesterday, I threw a little something in the crock pot. I had seen this recipe for butternut squash, chickpea, and red lentil stew, and since I had everything except the butternut squash, which I picked up on Sunday, I thought I'd give it a go. (Thank you, Jenna!)

Looks pretty, doesn't it?! I sauteed the onions, carrots, and jalapenos, then added the garlic. My kitchen smelled pretty wonderful around 7:00 a.m.!

I then added the garam masala to coat the veggies, and it REALLY started to smell good!
Then everything went into the crock pot, and I set it on low for ten hours:

And this is the final result:

It turned out thick and aromatic and incredibly flavorful - and it made a TON!! I measured it out so I could figure out the nutrition facts, and it made 10 cups. I froze about 2/3, and will be having some for lunch today. (If you're interested, in a one-cup serving, there are 167 calories, 1.4g fat, 36g carbs, 10g fiber, and 9g protein.)
My other meals were pretty unremarkable. Who am I kidding, they're all pretty unremarkable. But I do like to share a good recipe when I find one. I had the Abs Diet Mango Tango smoothie for breakfast, and for lunch I'm a little embarrassed to let you know that I had a banana and a Lean Cuisine pizza. I am really trying to get away from processed food, but I knew I had the epidural at 1:00 and just wanted something fast, and this was in my freezer from when I thought that was the way to lose weight. Oh well. Dinner was homemade and delicious.
So today is Tuesday - on to a few hours at the museum and then to knitting! Have a good day!
I was a little bit worried that spinal fluid would be leaking out while I slept. Not gonna lie - I felt my lower back before I got out of bed!