[I should preface all this by saying that yes, I would love to lose some weight - not like Biggest Loser amounts (don't even get me started on that program), but 5-10 pounds. Running would be easier without carting around extra lbs, my clothes would fit better, and (kids: earmuffs!) I want my husband to continue to think I am hot.]
There are only five bullet points in the article (I love bullet points!), and the one that spoke most to me is #2: Crap is crap, no matter how many calories are involved. "Healthy, nutrient-rich foods will keep hunger at bay, help maintain stable blood sugar levels, minimize cravings, and enable your brain to signal your belly that it's full. Nutrient-poor foods will have the opposite effect, wreaking hormonal havoc, spiking insulin, setting off cravings, dully satiety signals, and encouraging overeating. In other words: nutrient dense foods help keep weight in check naturally, no calculator required."
The article goes on to talk about processed, portion-controlled, "diet" microwavable meals being loaded with chemicals, GMOs, allergenic and inflammatory ingredients - AND not delivering enough of the macronutrients or even volume to make you feel full. I am so guilty of grabbing a Lean Cuisine, when it is just as easy to grab an apple and a PB sandwich (on whole wheat bread, natch) when I'm in a hurry.
(One line that made me snort was about Jared losing all that weight on Subway: "No disrespect, but you have to ask: Just what was Jared living on before he went on his infamous crash sandwich diet?")
So for me, the take-away is eating healthy, real, food, such as "good" fats (coconut oil, avocados, nuts), non-starchy veggies, and healthy protein (fish and lean meat). Eat this until you're full (NOT stuffed, but satiated). The article links to another article: the Top 9 Superfoods. These are: leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, avocados, blueberries, beans, walnuts, wild salmon, chia seeds, and chocolate. I believe I have all of these in my kitchen at this very minute.
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I think these are good foods, right: I mean almonds, dark chocolate, sea salt? Genola, these are your fault! |
Just out of curiosity, I googled "calorie needs calculator" and clicked on the top search. According to this calculator, at my age, height, and current weight, if I exercise 3 times a week for at least an hour each time (which I do - probably more but I don't want to inflate the calories too much), I need 1839 calories each day to maintain. If I did nothing more than be in a coma (seriously, I calculated my basal metabolic rate), I need 1338 calories a day. Pretty amazing that all of the weight-loss programs recommend around 1200 calories a day. No wonder they don't work for the long term: people get so hungry that they overeat the minute they are "off" the diet. Guilty as charged.
So for now, I am eating the good stuff, minimizing the crap, and not counting calories. The scientist in me wants the data, though, so I will be putting the food in My Fitness Pal just to get the info so I can see where I am in a month. Don't worry, I'll report back.
Breakfast today, along with a big ole cup-o-joe:
like you've never seen this before: MaryLu's protein waffle and some fruit |
And here's some motivation to leave you with:
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just go do it |

The waffle looks delicious. Pretty liberating not to count calories? I have never been good at it...